Friday, July 15, 2011

petits bonheurs

For some reason, it felt easy(er) to be mindful today. I did my usual hike and experienced the sweet sounds of the various Thrush, my favorite bird, which you can only hear around wooded areas as a general rule. Later on, I saw a few couples holding hands while on a walk; that also put a smile on my face and I felt happy for them, for they seemed happy together. I also noticed a family has moved into a house I once considered buying, and I wished them happiness in that house, as I passed by (in my head of course). I call all those moments mentioned "petits bonheurs" (little happiness). They are jewels in my mind; little diamonds of joy one can experience every day, if we are mindful. 
What were YOUR petits bonheurs today?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Finding what works for me and the writing life

I've read so many books about writing, attended conferences, workshops, you name it. I've heard about writers who write every day without rereading the last day's draft, writing straight through to the end of the first draft of a novel. Another way to do it of course is to write a few pages on day 1, review those pages the following day (edit), print those pages, then move on to the next few pages, and so on...I like that method. The perfectionist in me needs to correct a bit, feel a sense of completion with the printing of a few pages at a time, then the creation can continue. This way I don't feel like I'll want to scrap the whole thing at the end because I find it's all s...
How do YOU go about it? Tips?