Sunday, June 12, 2011

simplicity rules

Simplifying one's life is this day and age is not an easy task, but it's absolutely possible. Anytime I feel the urge to purchase an item, I ask myself, "do I really NEED this, or do I just want it?". More often than not, it's a want, not a need. At times, I give in to the impulse, especially when it involves a cute journal at a low price. Other times, I say NO to myself. A few things I've allowed myself to purchase recently, without any guilt attached, is hiking shoes, running shoes and proper fitness clothes. Before, I'd sabotage my goals by belittling my need for comfort, now I embrace my new items which help me get out there and be active. I feel funny sharing this, in a way. I'm probably not the only one who sabotages her health in order to save money,  right? More and more I'm giving the much needed attention to my physical and mental health...are you doing the same? Any comments?


  1. i like this! i must agree that most things we buy we probably do not need. i wonder how much i could have saved if i had only bought what i need?

  2. i impulse buy allllll the time - or used to anyways... i wasted SO much money on things that i don't even remember having or using now. I totally identify with this!
