Friday, June 10, 2011

What did you learn in high school?

That is the subject on CBC radio at this very moment. I'd like to think that as a teacher, the one thing I'd like for students to get from high school is a thirst for learning. Once I stop learning anything new, I get bored and depressed! I love to learn, and this passion is what makes life so interesting to me. I feel helpless to help students when I don't see this spark in their eye, when some seem to have no joy in them...I think joy comes from the present moment, and how can a moment be filled with joy when apathy is present? What do YOU think?


  1. Namaste sister, I look forward to following your thoughts beyond the banal I see thus far. I would like to invite you to follow my blog so that we may enjoy your unique point of view.

    In Lak' ech, love is all there is...

  2. I think I learned humility. I realized that there is a whole world out there to discover and I can either avoid it all, or dig right in. The more you learn the more you realize you are lacking

  3. I think joy comes from many things. it's an attitude, not an event, and maybe not always a feeling either. (

    biggest thing i learned in high school : no matter how frustrating life is in North America, your life still rocks in the grand scheme of things.
    I also found a love for things hands on as well as language, psychology, and math!
